EFT Level 1&2 International certification course

I resolved my emotional upsets and stress using EFT[Emotional Freedom Technique] resulting in improved health, well being and vitality. I found my calling here, dived deeper into EFT for my desire to help others to achieve that too. I went on to becoming an internationally certified Trainer in EFT with EFTMRA INDIA appointed by KARL DAWSON the co- founder of EFT himself. 

Did you know that 85 percent of illnesses have a root cause in stress?

All past  emotional upsets result in illness, low self- esteem and self sabotage. For example depression, addiction, blood pressure and heart disease, sleep disorders, panic attacks, migraines to name a few.

EFT is clinically proven to lower:
 • Stress,  tension and anxiety.
• Trauma and fears and Phobias.
• Depression
• Addiction and food cravings 
• Chronic migraines
• Chronic allergies (dust, pollen, mites etc)

This workshop is for you if:*

🌸You want to help your loved ones ( family, friends, kids, pets etc)
🌸A powerful potent tool for coaches, healers, doctors, psychologists, counsellors, teachers or mental health professionals to have in their tool kit.
🌸If you suffer from physical pain, are prone to stress, anxiety or fear.

We at EFTMRA India are more than happy to invite people to join this community who would like to set out on a path to Emotional Freedom for self and others, become practitioners and start their own private  practice. 

✅You also become part of an extremely interactive community and will get updated with the latest research in the subject.  
✅We also offer you enough practice and mentoring to polish your skills. 

If this calls out to you do register filling this form and I shall connect with you for further details.



Diksha Wadhwa
Team EFTMRA India

Expert Details

Diksha Wadhwa

A graduate in HomeScience with Interior designing as her major subject, Diksha spent many years of her life disregarding her emotions and facing physiological issues. One day she heard about emotional freedom technique (EFT) and booked a session to heal herself of this pain. EFT not only eased her pain it empowered her to overcome her limiting beliefs and fears. As she worked on herself Diksha realised how a lot of these beliefs were rooted in her childhood itself and the desire to free other children from fears and trauma was born. Diksha went on to learn the modality and today she is an Internationally certified Trainer in EFT level 1&2&3 [Emotional Freedom Technique] with EFTMRA INDIA appointed by the Co- founder Karl Dawson [ EFTMRA UK] and conducts EFT Trainings in Mumbai and other cities in India ​ Diksha has also worked with Helen O’Grady International Academy as a Speech and Drama Trainer for over two years and has interacted with over 10,000 children from some of the most prestigious schools across Mumbai. While Diksha is trained to work with people of all ages, working with children is her passion. She works with children across all ages incorporating interesting techniques of drama, creative writing, and art and craft activities. Children enjoy her company and look forward to befriending their emotions in her sessions. Diksha’s dream is to enable children to remember their magnificence even amidst all the pressure, chaos and competition the world brings their way.

Counselling Psychologist Counsellor Life Coach Special Educator

Work Experience: 8Years, 9Months

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Author Name: Diksha Wadhwa

Program Type: Training

Price: ₹35000.00

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